UK Rock & Roll Magazine – February 2022
English | 48 pages | pdf | 51.38 MB

Its been a rough couple of years and whilst not underestimating the ‘real world’ issues we’ve all had, its been a real drag not being able to get out to the local club, or further afield for that matter, and check out who’s rockin’. One of the events that to me represented the ‘heartbeat’ of rock’n’roll in the UK was the twice-yearly Hcmsby rock’n’roll weekender, for many years run by Willie Jeffery and more recently by Bill Guntrip, and its absence was a real wrench. Well, in November 2021 it was back, and all reports (ours included, sec inside the magazine) are that it was a cracker. Even better news is that it will return to twice-yearly in 2022. Other club and weekender events look equally promising for the new year. And to recognise that, we’ve decided to reintroduce the gig guide, this time round on a less scatter gunned basis and limited to the gigs and major events we consider to be the hottest around in any given month. Check it out, and if you feel safe, get out rock in’

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