PC Magazine – March 2022
English | 152 pages | pdf | 64.14 MB

Welcome at PC Magazine March 2022 Issue

As I walked to my local pottery class last night at a little before 6:30, I realized a very exciting thing: There was still light in the sky! I’m writing this in late February, which might seem a bit soon to be thinking about spring cleaning, but that realization was a heads-up for me: Time has marched on, and the world will be thawing out very soon.
So let’s kick it of.
Our phones, computers, smartwatches, Fitbits, headphones, tablets… These are all things we touch a lot. We wear them, eat while we’re using them, take them everywhere we go, and sometimes even let other people touch them. (Some of us don’t; a friend of mine refuses to let anyone near his devices, saying “Personal tech is personal!”)
So it shouldn’t be surprising that they get so grimy. And remember, you can’t even see all the nasties: You want your gear to look good, but you also don’t want it harboring bacteria and (shudder) viruses.
Our story package in this issue encompasses most everything you need to know about cleaning your digital devices. But we also delve into decluttering responsibly (reuse,
recycle, resell); disinfecting the gear you use daily; and even organizing and purging your virtual clutter—for example, gigantic email backlogs (guilty).
Even though cleaning everything you own is traditionally a spring ritual, we hope you have been (or will be) taking care of your expensive digital equipment throughout the entire year. Our tips in the issue will help you do both: ongoing maintenance and deep cleans.
Let me know what you’ve tried, which tips you found most useful, and whether we missed anything—and please share any of your own tips! And happy (early) spring.

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