Fine Woodworking Boxes, Spring 2022
English | 112 pages | pdf | 32.74 MB
Whether you are just embarking on your woodworking journey or have been making furniture for so many years that your house won’t hold even one more chair, a wooden box is the perfect project. As unassuming as it may seem, a box will give you a chance to learn or perfect almost any woodworking skill you can think of.
Want to practice dovetails? Try a dovetailed box, like the tea box in this collection. Ready to perfect your miters? Any number of the boxes shown here will help you hone this skill. Bandsaw skills need exercise?
Throw caution to the winds and develop your design eye with a beautiful bandsawn box. Ready to unlock the secrets of perfect veneering? Check out the stunning examples in these pages, and then try one of your own.
Our editors and contributors at Fine Woodworking, all accomplished woodworkers, love making boxes. When asked why, they sing a similar tune: “Boxes are small, so they are quick and don’t take up a bunch of space.”
“They let you test your skills, so you can start with simple joinery before working up to dovetails, air-tight miters, etc.” “You can test out design ideas on a box.” “For me, they serve as a bunchmark of sorts, letting me track my progress. A box I was happy with 10 years ago might embarrass me today, and the boxes I make today are setting me up to build even better
boxes five years from now.”
These small projects don’t require weeks of time and bushels of cash. They can usually be made using shop scraps, and completed in a weekend. Following the tips and techniques provided by our experts, you can make a box of almost any design you desire. You can sandwich them between larger projects or simply make boxes all day long.
Whatever your goal, get busy! You’re already holding in your hands the first tool you
will need.
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