BBC Wildlife – March 2022
English | 142 pages | pdf | 118.35 MB
I’m the fifth editor in the 20+ years I’ve been reading BBC Wildlife Magazine, and only the second man. And, while it may not have always been this way, if you flick through the pages of a typical issue these days then you’ll find at least as many women (or gender neutral) writers as men.
When it comes to photographers, however, it’s a different story. A good 90 per cent of those who contact us are men. To mark International Women’s Day on 8th March, we asked awardwinning wildlife photographer Melissa Groo to investigate why this is the case. Her feature (p74) shows a snapshot of a profession where motherhood can still remain an apparent barrier to success.
But as times are changing, and thanks to women like Melissa, Daisy Gilardini and Suzi Eszterhas, young women are growing up with great female role models, whose work graces magazine covers and wins awards – well worth celebrating!
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