BBC Easy Cook UK – February 2022
English | 94 pages | pdf | 71.14 MB
Welcome at BBC Easy Cook UK Magazine February 2022 Issue
E very Sunday is Pancake Day in the Kendrick household. My wife makes them for the kids’ breakfast, smothered in chocolate hazelnut spread or maple syrup. They wolf down four each until the batter runs out. But on Shrove Tuesday itself, it’s my turn to do the flipping – and the butterscotch banana pancakes recipe on this page is the one
I’ve got my eye on. What toppings do you prefer? Variety, as they say, is the spice of life, so elsewhere in this month’s magazine issue we’ve taken some basics and given you options to make your midweek meals extra special, including four brilliant burgers on p30, 10 great pasta dishes (p44) and just as many superb soups on p54. I hope you have a flippin’ great month!
Keith Kendrick
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