BBC Countryfile – May 2022
English | 118 pages | pdf | 102.93 MB

Welcome at BBC Countryfile Magazine May 2022 Issue

This spring, instead of simply celebrating the joys of the new season, our lives are darkened again by world events and the horrors of war in Ukraine. It’s impossible to avoid, even on the long walks into the hills that I use to find perspective on – and resolution to – life’s challenges.
But I have found that as winter has given way to longer, brighter days, I have stopped more than normal to notice the everyday changes: the growing chorus of birdsong, the flowering celandines, the first hedgerow blossoms, broad bean shoots rising in the veg bed. Things that I take for granted have a new beauty, resonance and poignance, and this always gives me strength. I hope our lovely May nature rambles, beginning
on magazine page 73, provide inspiration for your own life-affirming adventures. And why not enjoy the music of the new season that has brought joy and hope down the centuries – page 58?
Perhaps we can also find time for fresh perspective on a beautiful wildflower vital to spring wildlife but so often despised as a weed. When you look closely at a dandelion, you will see what a marvel it is, yet it is hated by so many. It really is time to change our minds and cherish its unplanned blooms; see page 66.
If you’re stirred by a love of nature and need an outlet for your writing, why not enter our nature writing competition, page 64? I can’t wait to read your entries.

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