Writing Magazine – March 2023
English | 82 pages | pdf | 34.37 MB
Welcome at Writing Magazine March 2023 issue
Following last month’s exhortation to roll up your sleeves and make a strong start on your 2023 writing projects, it doesn’t do any harm to have a bit of a reality check.
Not every idea will work. False starts are inevitable. Rejections may be a fact of writing life, but there’s no getting round the fact that each and every time, they (really) hurt. And yet, somehow, time after time we love writing so much that we pick ourselves up, and try again. It’s like the lyrics to the Labi Siffre song: You can decide to turn your face away / No matter, ‘cause there’s / Something inside so strong…
With that in mind, turn the page to C.K. McDonnell’s glorious piece on writing comedy. He details all the hard knocks, dead ends and times when it just wasn’t funny – only to fi nd that in the end, nothing is ever wasted as it all feeds into the writing. And check out Charlotte Rixon’s publication story on p28 – rejection after rejection and for all the anguish, she wouldn’t have it any other way.
What they’ve got in common is they kept going. Kept believing. Kept writing. And got published. We hope you do too – we’re with you every step of the way.
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