Writing Magazine – July 2022
English | 85 pages | pdf | 38.95 MBWe often talk, in Writing Magazine, about the value of creating a newsletter and having readers sign up to get all your latest news, so it would be lax of me not to at least occasionally mention our own! If you haven’t signed up, join us at www.writers-online.co.uk/ register You’ll receive regular newsletters with the latest news from Writing Magazine, competitions to enter and articles of interest, news of upcoming events and webinars from Writers Online, details and offers from our promotional partners, and more.
Plus, register now, and you will receive a FREE copy of our PDF special bundle, Learn from the Masters: The Classics, with in-depth analysis of the style, technique, structure, characters and more, that go into three landmark novels, Oliver Twist, Robinson Crusoe and Moby Dick, from our technical master James McCreet.
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