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T3 UK – April 2020

T3 UK – April 2020
English | 110 pages | pdf | 88.2 MB

Welcome at T3 UK Magazine April 2020 Issue

Editor’s letter
After three years of steering the good ship T3 around the carabbien of tech, raiding companies for their finest wares, I’m giving up the wheel. I’m not leaving T3 Uk Magazine – you’ll still see me across the page on our little Most Wanted wall – but I won’t be editing the magazine any more. I’m handing over the reins (I don’t know why this ship has reins, let alone reins and a wheel, but stay with me here) to Josh, who’s already helped make this very issue happen, so you’re in safe hands.
I actually started here immediately after 2017’s Hot 100 issue, so to end here feels like a very neat finish to the circle. The Hot 100 is always one of the most fun and frantic issues to pull together – from coming up with our gigantic long list of potential entries, to spending hours locked in a room ranking them until we have a top 100, to deciding what order those 100 should be in… and then the process of deciding a number one, which takes almost as long again.
It’s been really satisfying to work on this year’s list as my last issue as Editor, because I get to cover the whole gamut of gadgets one more time, from practical health tech to weird new startups to game-changing advancements to just very cool-looking gear. I’ve loved bringing all this stuff to you, and I’m so grateful to all of our readers – thank you.

Matt Bolton, Editor
Tweet me @matthewbbolton

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