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Survivor’s Edge – Summer 2020

Survivor’s Edge – Summer 2020
English | 119 pages | pdf | 115.19 MB

Welcome at Survivor’s Edge Magazine Summer 2020 Issue

At the peak of the Great Depression, with millions of Americans on the teetering brink of financial and social devastation (with many more clearly destitute), all seemed lost. Farms failed. Banks closed. Stocks plummeted. Money disappeared and countless people turned to the newspapers for information, for help, for guidance, for hope. Since help and hope don’t sell newspapers, instead, front pages were splashed with sensational headlines trumpeting the devastation and disasters with no end in sight. Many panicked, and although no distraught stockbroker jumped onto Wall Street to his death, many investors and executives— having lost everything—took their own lives. Newspapers were only so willing to report the gruesome news.
In his 1933 inaugural address, Franklin D. Roosevelt said, in part, “…the only thing we have to fear is… fear itself — nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance.” His words are no truer then than they are now, as the world is currently swept up in a blind panic at the 24-hour news-cycle sewing fear and doom regarding the COVID-19 crisis. A headline of the reputable New York Times read: “The Coronavirus Has Put the World’s Economy in Survival Mode.” Survival mode! Misinformation, fake news, propaganda, and wildly creative conspiracy theories are circling the Internet, leaving rational people, starved for truth and helpful information, left with no recourse but to allow fear to take over. This is clearly evident in the bulk buying of water and toilet paper in the early
part of March. Though laughable, this shows what illogical actions panic
can cause.
Worldwide, COVID-19 has claimed over 350,000 victims (source: CDC), and as of this writing, 50,000 coronavirus cases have been reported in the U.S. Meanwhile, schools are closed, businesses are shuttered, and concerts, games, and public events are cancelled. Life in the United States is on hold, and many people have nothing left to do
during quarantine but be afraid.
It is a difficult prospect to fight fear though. As a sensible person, you’re not supposed to believe in ghosts, but tell that to a person who has to go down into the dark basement on a stormy night to retrieve something near the exhaling furnace. As humans with well-developed imaginations, coupled with memory banks full of horror movie plotlines and a host of primitive instincts buried deep in our medulla, we sometimes let fear take over. And that’s a good thing if you
are surrounded by real dangers like a pack of wolves or a tornado barreling down on your house. However, the uncertainty of an unseen killer floating
through the air is very real for a lot of people and it can be scary. Fight fear by not giving into it and
by being informed with facts. And like any normal flu season, take the prescribed precautions . Wash your hands and continue to stay home.

Be Prepared.

The info in this Survivor’s Edge magazine Summer 2020 issue is from late March. Get up-to-date info on the COVID-19 pandemic by visting our Athlon Outdoors

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