Sound + Image – March 2022
English | 102 pages | pdf | 62.94 MB
The digital edition of Sound + Image Magazine which you’re reading is normally a straight digital transfer of the files from which we print the magazine. But for this issue’s digital edition I wrote a special message for our print-edition readers, and
I’m trying to keep that off the internet, for reasons that I’ve outlined in the comment piece that they’re seeing, but you’re not.
Don’t feel too neglected, however! The rest of the magazine is entirely intact and full of goodies.
And besides, you’re getting this special message of your own. I’m a fan of the digital issues myself, as the magazine looks so bright and shiny with the back-illumination of a screen, and of course the page design over which we take so much time remains intact, whereas the later internet versions made of some of the articles herein strip all that away in favour of blocks of text and images that have to be all the same size, and usually ads popping up all over the place, if your browser allows that sort of thing Next issue I plan to go still further analogue, writing my editorial using pen and paper. Will this extravagantly analogue process deliver new discipline in composition, or just the usual wandering rant?
Can I even find a pen? If you choose to get the print issue next time, you’ll find out! Jez Ford, Editor
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