Simply Vegan – June 2019
English | 86 pages | PDF | 74.0 MB

I’ve been sampling all sorts of new food this month and revelling in the fact that the supermarkets are competing for vegan sales. With so many new ranges hitting the market, we’ve got a brand new page dedicated to food launches – turn to p11 and start writing that shopping list! With the UK declaring a Climate Emergency, there’s never been a better time to ditch the meat. Whether you’re a new vegan or just considering it, we aim to guide you through the whole process. Veganism is so much more than just a diet it’s a way of life that has compassion at its core. More than 27,000 species are now on the endangered list, so if you’re looking to reduce your impact, find out how to make your summer getaway more eco-friendly on p69 and where to start with a zero waste beauty routine (p62). Whether it’s learning to cook vegan food or making ethical lifestyle choices, going vegan isn’t always an overnight change. Celebrate every small step that you take. You will get there! Enjoy the Simply Vegan megazine June 2019 issue … – Holly Johnson, Editor