Olive – March 2021
English | 101 pages | pdf | 465.87 MB
Welcome at Olive Magazine March 2021 Issue
March always seems a good month to really start the year. Chilly January and February are done and dusted, and we can really hit our stride with the official start of spring and the Easter break to look forward to.
This year Easter comes early, right at the start of April. We want to give you the best run-up so the bulk of Easter recipes are in this Olive Magaizne issue, with a little next month, too. With the holidays in mind, there are two trends to pay close attention to. First is the growing phenomenon that is ‘lasagne Sunday’. Full disclosure, I live near Ombra where we sourced our recipe, and I’ve been cheating on the traditional roast by frequently ordering its lockdown takeaway Sunday lasagne. You’ll find Mitshel Ibrahim’s recipe for a lamb, pea and wild garlic version in the laidback menu in Unwind (page 86).
The second is brunch, specifically buns. Zoe Adjonyoh takes a familiar sticky bunfest to a new level with some Ghanaian kelewele spicing that she describes as reminiscent of pumpkin spice, and a hot-pink hibiscus tea icing. I also recommend using hibiscus as a flavour more widely – I bought some hibiscus salt from Zoe’s website and I’m addicted.
You’ll notice that we’ve got a couple of recipes using wild garlic, including the lush cover recipe. If you are lucky enough to live in an area where it grows, check whether you are allowed to pick it, and what exactly you are looking for – the Woodland Trust is helpful (woodlandtrust.org.uk). Otherwise you can buy it or buy some bulbs to grow. I’ve got some in a pot that pops up each year. Enjoy spring!
Lulu Grimes,
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