Miniature Wargames – May 2021
English | 67 pages | pdf | 60.6 MB
Well it’s been a busy month for me: we have an excellent issue of the magazine lined up for you with many fun features. Just for the kick off, we have the start of a busy – and exciting – year for fans of Para Bellum’s fine miniatures range, more of which you can read about inside. There’s also a superb selection of articles and scenarios covering a wealth of periods and interests from Ancient Gaul to the Boyne Valley: hopefully there’s something to please all gamers. Finally we seem to be getting some momentum building for shows and the hobby opening up with a growing list of events slated for the next six or seven months, but it’s not all good news: check out Forward Observer for the latest. It’s certainly true to say that things are all still a bit up in the air on wargaming for the rest of 2021 so – in a month where I finally caught Covid 19 and spent ten days in isolation locked in doors eating pot noodles – I guess we’ll all have to see what transpires. As one of my favourite lyricists – the late Neil Peart of Rush – wrote: “We come into the world and take our chances; fate is just the weight of circumstances; that’s the way that lady luck dances; Roll the bones”.
John Treadaway Editor
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