Miniature Wargames Magazine March 2024
English | 64 pages | pdf | 38.78 MB
We have another superb issue for you this cold, overcast January (as I type this). We have the last part of a Stargrave mini campaign from Conrad Kinch and a Colonial Boer War piece called Duffer’s Drift in 20mm. Command Decision visits the Pacific in WWII and we also have an air combat piece in the same genre called Death from Above.
For scratch building we complete the Onager and we have a show report on Warfare. Finally there’s a Trek themed scenario and all the usual reviews plus – with my Editor’s hat on – I proselytise about polyhedral dice! As Graham McPherson sings (Madly): “It’s well past midnight as I lie in a semi-conscious state, I dream of people fighting me without any reason, I can see”.
Roll on wargaming!
John Treadaway
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