Metal Hammer UK – October 2023
English | 108 pages | pdf | 54.37 MB
WHEN BABYMETAL BURST onto the scene with the sugar rush of Gimme Chocolate!! in 2014, some wondered if they would be a one-hit wonder novelty band. When Yuimetal, one of their three original members, departed in 2018 due to health concerns, the naysayers piped up again. Surely the band were done now? But they’ve continued to move forwards – first as a duo, and now as a trio again with new member Momometal, who was officially announced in April, and who we speak to for the first time in this issue.
The world of Babymetal is constantly changing, with new chapters and complex storylines opening up whenever their mythical overlord, the Fox God, decrees – more on that in our cover feature starting on p.36. But one thing that’s easy to grasp is their sense of fun – and recent single Metali!!, featuring the one and only Tom Morello, has that in spades. With lyrics about dancing at summer festivals, it’ll be weirdly off-season for their UK tour in November, but that won’t stop us throwing our kitsune (fox horns) up.
We can’t wait to see what awaits them next.
Stay metal,
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