Guitarist – Issue 503, October 2023
English | 168 pages | pdf | 190.73 MB
Just a few days before sending this issue to press, we learned the sad news that Bernie Marsden had passed away. A man who had known fame in Whitesnake and a host of other high-profile rock outfits, Bernie always had
the knack of making anyone he spoke to feel like an old friend. So when the world learned he had died, there was a palpable sense of personal loss, not just pro forma regret.
One heard the same things said of Bernie time and again: that he was ‘a lovely bloke’ who spoke to people like a ‘regular guy’, though he could have easily lorded it over mere mortals who hadn’t played stadiums in their time. But his modesty was disarming – for Bernie was co-writer behind huge hits that were landmarks of 80s rock, such as Here I Go Again and Fool For Your Loving. It takes something special to create music that becomes part of the fabric of people’s lives, but Bernie had that gift.
He will also be remembered as a man who was devoted to the guitar. Though a very fine player himself, he never tired of listening to other players he admired, such as Rory Gallagher and T-Bone Walker. It says a lot about his character that praise for musicians he loved was on his lips far more often than his own achievements, which were many.
To paraphrase the Beatles, in the end the love you take is equal to the love you make. Bernie takes with him the affection of countless fans, friends and fellow guitar-lovers, partly because he gave his time, his advice and his considerable talents so freely to others. In truth, he neverwent alone down ‘the lonely street of dreams’ – he had too many friends for that. He has them still. This magazine issue of the magazine is respectfully dedicated to his memory. Rest well, Bernie
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