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Edge – August 2018

English | 140 pages | True PDF | 17.9 MB

Edge is the leading multi-format video game magazine, with masterfully written articles for all things video games. Edge dives into gaming’s 8-bit roots all the way to the behemoths of the current age. Beautifully designed, Edge magazine is renowned for its stunning artwork which is unrivalled by any other gaming magazine out there.

In-depth articles giving insightful news on the latest in the video game industry, sneak peeks on the current masterpieces in development and detailed reviews of the video games asked for by the community – Edge has it all!  If you’re looking for a graphically stunning magazine with intelligently written articles that delve deep into what matters most in the video gaming world, subscribe to Edge today! 

Edge  |  August 2018

Yes, that’s a toys-to-life game on the cover of Edge. A genre you thought was gone for good following the demise of Disney Infinity and the disappearance of Skylanders. Yet Starlink: Battle For Atlas is an entirely different beast. Where Warner and Activision aimed their wares at the very young, Ubisoft’s game skews a little older. And that’s not just a matter of presentation: this is a tricky game set in a dynamic world that responds to your input, and your lack of it, the bad guys overrunning the entire solar system if you don’t keep them in check. The toys themselves aren’t just plastic playthings to be dropped, one by one, onto an NFC scanner; they’re modular, their components snapped off and on, the change reflected instantly in game, both visually and mechanically.


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