Diabetic Living Australia – March-April 2023
English | 134 pages | pdf | 76.39 MB

I’m old enough to know that I don’t (and can’t) control everything but I do like having tactics and strategies for managing things when I can. Sometimes that’s as simple as having a dinner plan (I’m currently focussing on cooking my way though the enormous amount of food in my freezer) or looking after my future health. So I’m excited about this issue which is full of real, do-it-today ideas and plans you can put into place to make life a bit more manageable. Sure, there are always going to be things thrown at you, but if you’ve got a solid base of things you can manage, I reckon the unexpected things won’t be quite so upsetting.
You can find some good strategies for coping with the decision fatigue that can come with diabetes on p90 and then read about how to nail a good night’s sleep on p104 (a hot topic in my friend circle right now). Dementia is something I worry about ever since my husband had a stroke (doubling his chances of developing dementia), so I was pleased to read the extract from Dr Ginni Masberg’s new book about what we can do to better his chances. And, if you’ve recently been diagnosed with type 1, the JDRF has some great advice for managing your new way of life.
I mentioned dinner earlier and our two-for-one recipe feature is a perfect example of a take-charge-tactic – cook dinner and then turn the leftovers into a delicious lunch. We’ve got plenty of other great recipes as well of course – loads of meat-free main dishes, as well as new ways with steak for those of you who enjoy red meat. And dessert isn’t forgotten either, with an extract from Weight Watchers’ new book on page 78.
What are your tactics for managing life? I’d love to hear them!

Alix Davis,

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