Cooking Light – Spring 2021
English | 101 pages | pdf | 230.88 MB
Welcome Cooking Light magazine Spring 2021 Issue
There is a lot of noise out there about what defines healthy eating—some of it rings true, while some of it is hype. For over three decades, Cooking Light has been a trusted source not only of reliable nutrition information but also of delicious ways to put that information into practice in the kitchen. So, what is the Cooking Light Magazine approach to healthy eating?
- ALL FOODS CAN FIT We want people to enjoy a variety of wholesome, nutritious foods that promote health. And while the focus is not specifically on weight loss, it is certainly possible to lose weight while using our recipes and following the healthy eating guidelines we suggest.
- MORE PLANT-BASED FOODS, LESS MEAT The recipes offer delicious ways to increase fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and lean sources of protein, including plant-based proteins.
- WHOLE FOODS FIRST The focus is on ingredients that are minimally processed and as close to their natural state as possible. While not overly restrictive, there is a moderate use of salt, saturated fat, and added sugars in amounts that can promote health.
- RESPONSIBLE Healthy eating must also take into account responsible use of our earth’s resources. We offer strategies and recipes that provide ways to avoid waste and use ingredients wisely.
- HEALTH-PROMOTING FOODS Our recipes highlight categories of foods that may lead to improved gut health; help prevent diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and cancer; and enhance the immune system. We provide current, science-based nutrition information so that our readers can be informed about their healthy food choices.
- CONVENIENCE We know that our readers are busy—with jobs, families, sports, and community activities—so there are always recipes that are both quick and easy. While we do not use overly processed foods, we do rely on time-saving ingredients and simple cooking methods.
- ADVENTUROUS Our audience likes to travel, eat out, and experience new cuisines, so our recipes feature the exciting flavors, global cuisines, and inspiring ingredients our readers yearn to explore.
- COMMUNITY We believe that healthy eating is not only about the food but also about shared experiences at the table. Whether you are dining alone, taking a meal to a neighbor, making a weeknight meal, or preparing a holiday feast, health and wholeness come when we can slow down and savor the goodness of the food and the pleasure of gathering with those we love.
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