BBC Sky at Night – March 2023
English | 103 pages | pdf | 154.81 MB
Discover the workings of the endlessly intriguing aurorae
The Northern Lights have lit up our skies already this year, with bright displays visible in Scotland, northern England and, during one particularly energetic display, as far south as Norfolk. But why do we see more aurora activity in the winter and spring months? On page 28, scientist Maria-Theresia Walach reveals all, explaining why displays are often most energetic in March (spoiler alert: it’s not just because the nights are longer!) and how these enchanting light shows are the spectacular sign of our planet’s connection with its star 150 million kilometres away.
Also in this issue, we mark what would have been Sir Patrick Moore’s 100th birthday. On page 60, we look at what made him Britain’s best-loved amateur astronomer, while on page 18 Chris Lintott shares personal memories of working with him on The Sky at Night. Then on page 66, join Steve Richards for a tour of 10 of the best objects to observe this month from Patrick’s own Caldwell Catalogue.
Venus will be an unmistakable twilight fixture in the west and climbing higher in the sky throughout March. It’s a great time to view this mysterious planet in more detail, and the BAA’s Venus section director, Paul Abel, is at hand on page 35 with expert advice on how to do it. If you’re unable to get to a telescope, fear not: Venus takes part in several lovely close approaches with other planets which are visible to naked eye. You will find all the details in the Sky Gudie starting on page 43.
Enjoy the issue!
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