BBC Good Food UK – December 2019
English | 163 pages | pdf | 102.38 MB
‘Winter ismy favourite culinary season; it’s the foodof celebration and survival. When you come home on a cold,wet day, open the door and smell something cooking–that’s one of the best things.’ Nigel Slater shares his joy of cooking with Emma Freudon page 127.His love of simplicity chimes with this issue’s celebratory theme–spend less time restling with hundreds of ingredients and complicated kit, and more time eating with the people you love.
So,what to cook this season?Anna Glover’s easy two-trayChristmas dinner is a revelation(p32),while Diana Henry’smarma lade, ginger & star aniseham(p98) requires a little effort but is still, like all GoodFood recipes, very achievable.
This year,GoodFood celebratedits 30th anniversary, and tomark it,we look at how the Christmas table has changed since 1989 onpage 18.Thank you for celebrating withus.
With best wishes for Christmas and the new year from BBC Good Food UK magazine team.
ChristineHayes, Editor-in-chief
@bbcgoodfood @ChrisHayesUK
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