Australian Traveller – February 2023
English | 157 pages | pdf | 198.99 MB

WHAT MAKES A JOURNEY AMAZING? While the answer is subjective, it’s undeniable that Australia has more amazing journeys than we could ever hope to squeeze into the pages of our first issue of 2023 – aimed squarely at inspiring your travels for the year ahead.
But we’ve tried. We’ve hit the red dirt of the Gibb River Road to explore El Questro, tackled the Top End with family in tow and gone off-grid deep in the wilds of Tasmania. We’ve rounded up epic hiking trails and outback adventures that capture the essence of Australia and taken a trip around the world through food and music from Brisbane to Adelaide.
And no one could deny the amazingness of a transcontinental rail journey. Writer Alexis Buxton-Collins jumps onboard the iconic Indian Pacific, named for the two oceans it journeys between, while traversing the heart of Australia along the way. Lara Picone heads to the Budj Bim Cultural Landscape in Victoria, where the Gunditjmara community is bringing its remarkable story of ancient enterprise (the largest and oldest-known aquaculture system in the world) to life for new generations – through each step of an immersive wetlands tour or bite of an eel arancini ball. And I visit the Art Gallery of NSW’s extraordinary new building, a decade in the making, to discover a cultural endeavour (the most significant in Sydney since the Opera House opened its doors 50 years ago) that is set to put the city, state and maybe even country on course to become a new epicentre for the arts.
Since launching in 2005, Australian Traveller has been on its own amazing journey; we will celebrate our 100th issue at the end of the year. Taking on the editorship at this exciting juncture,
I look forward to what 2023 and beyond will bring.
Thank you for travelling with us and enjoy the journey to come!


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