Army History – Winter 2022
English | 52 pages | pdf | 12.07 MB
Welcome at Army History Magazine Winter 2022 Issue
In the Winter 2022 issue of Army History Magazine, we are pleased to offer two engaging articles on very disparate topics, a great selection of book reviews, a look at some interesting Army art, and a visit to an Army museum at the foot of Cheyenne Mountain.
The first article, by Center of Military History (CMH) historian Thomas Boghardt, examines the covert life of Willy Brandt, the former West German chancellor and mayor of West Berlin. CMH recently published Boghardt’s book, Covert Legions: U.S. Army Intelligence in Germany, 1944–1949. An outgrowth of that book, this article tells the fascinating story of Brandt’s involvement with various intelligence services, including the U.S. Army’s Counter Intelligence Corps, during
and after World War II and throughout the Cold War. His connection to these organizations ultimately would be his undoing and destroy his political career.
The second article, by Gary A. Mitchell, looks at the rise of female military organizations from 1875 to 1900. He argues that these groups, often referred to as “broom brigades,” paved the way for women’s enlistment during World War I, and that this necessary precursor helped the suffrage movement and led to the eventual ratification of the Nineteenth Amendment.
Many antisuffrage arguments prior to 1920 called notice to the fact that women could not perform military service. Without this crucial element, women were denied full citizenship and, thus, the right to vote. In response, female quasi-military organizations sprung up across the country. Uniformed, with brooms and fans at the ready, and sometimes employing mock rifles, these units drilled, marched, performed community services, published their own manuals, and attempted to show that military service was not just a man’s game.
The last two years have been ones of change and adaptation here at Army History Magazine. From teleworking to learning to operate in a COVID–19 environment, 2020 and 2021 have not been without their struggles. Although we succeeded in our endeavors to continue to publish engaging content on time and on target, there were still some challenges. The pandemic seems to have afforded folks the time they needed to write the articles they had been putting off. During the last eighteen months, we have received a record number of new article submissions— way more than we ever could publish. And, as it turns out, way more than I ever could hope to read in a timely manner. I review all of the submitted articles before passing along those deemed suitable for publication for further evaluation, and there is currently a large backlog of submissions. This has caused, in my opinion, an unacceptable delay in responding to authors with a decision. For this, I sincerely apologize. Due to this backlog and these delays, we have suspended the call for new article submissions for a few months. This will allow me to catch up on reading and responding to the current inventory of articles. My hope is that when we reopen for submissions I will be able to respond more promptly, a courtesy which your hard work and writing most certainly deserve.
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