Allrecipes – April-May 2022
English | 110 pages | pdf | 241.34 MB
Welcome at Allrecipes Magazine April-May 2022 Issue
For as long as I can remember, my mother has planted, tended, and harvested a considerable vegetable garden. Sometimes half the size of a football field, Mom’s garden took root long before the notion of growing your own food to lower your carbon footprint ever did. For her, the garden was simply a way to feed her family well without spending a fortune—and also, I suspect, a strategy to keep us kids occupied with garden chores.
While I might not have inherited her incredibly green thumb, growing up with her garden as the backdrop to every season did impress upon me the energy and care that goes into producing the things we eat, the unparalleled deliciousness of a freshly picked pea or strawberry, and the secret wisdom that anyone can eat like royalty if they grow their own and waste very little.
These days, “going green” has many meanings. It’s shorthand for efforts to preserve natural resources and reduce human contributions to global warming.
It nods to nutrition: More than ever, we know that eating our greens (and other veggies) is important to good health.
With rising inflation rates, many of us are trying to save some green. In traffic, green’s your cue to get a move on. The plant-created color of captured sunlight, green is also a trending color in kitchen design and reason to be green with envy.
In this issue, we’re embracing all those meanings. We’ve got vibrant ingredients to perk up your plate, enviable and sustainable upgrades for your kitchen, and a fresh crop of upcycled snacks. We’re sharing creative ideas for making the most of the food in your fridge and plans for edible gardens, even if you only have room for a few pots. The happiest discovery in this sea of green? Something I bet Mom already knew: Sometimes what’s best for the planet, your wallet, and your health is the most delicious choice, too
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