Full Circle – February 2023
English | 57 pages | pdf | 5.63 MB
This month we have; Python, Latex, and Inkscape for you. No Blender again this month as Erik has, again, been a very busy chappie. Instead, we have an article on using Rescuezilla for making backups.
For those of you listening to the Weekly News, we have a new RSS URL: https://fullcirclemagazine.org/podcasts/index.xml. If you want to grab the magazine with RSS then
you should use: https://fullcirclemagazine.org/magazines/index.xml. Hopelly, by the time you read this, Brian will have released an updated Full Circle Magazine app for Ubports Touch. Many thanks to Brian for taking the time to make the app for us, and keeping it updated. Adam continues his reviews with Xubuntu 22.04 and MX Linux for his wildcard.
Don’t forget: we have a Table of Contents which lists every article from every issue of FCM. Huge thanks to Paul Romano for maintaining: https://goo.gl/tpOKqm and, if you’re looking for some help, advice, or just a chinwag: remember that we have a Telegram group: https://t.me/joinchat/24ec1oMFO1ZjZDc0. I hope to see you there. Come and say hello.
All the best for 2023!
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